What does LGBTQ+ mean?

All DVS events are LGBTQ+ friendly. What this means is we want anyone who identifies as such to feel welcome and comfortable to be themselves.  Creating a tolerant, respectful and accepting environment is not an easy task – every individual is different, and there’s always someone with an opinion, or with something to say.  We ask that prejudices and issues be left at the door, and join us with an open heart.

We do not support discriminatory remarks or actions, and we will not tolerate negative behaviour towards our patrons.  If someone is intentionally targeting someone/others at any of our events, then we want to know immediately so that we can deal with this on the spot.

An explanation of terminology, and what LGBTQ+ means can be found on the link below….  This is not exhaustive, and we welcome additional reference points from the community.


What does “Gender accepted as presented” mean?

In a nutshell, it means accept people as they are.  Misgendering someone can be very upsetting, even triggering, for them.  It’s always better not to make an assumption, so if in doubt, ask respectfully.

Club DVS Team